FULL ROUND: Counter Wrestling and Heavy Pressure From Gordon Ryan

FULL ROUND: Counter Wrestling and Heavy Pressure From Gordon Ryan

In this article titled “FULL ROUND: Counter Wrestling and Heavy Pressure From Gordon Ryan,” the focus is on Gordon Ryan’s training session at New Wave as he prepares for his upcoming Tezos WNO match against Patrick Gaudio on October 1st. The video, presented by FloGrappling, showcases Ryan’s skills and technique as he demonstrates his counter wrestling abilities and showcases his heavy pressure on his opponents. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the content by liking, commenting, and subscribing to access all the latest jiu-jitsu videos from FloGrappling.

Table of Contents

Gordon Ryan’s Preparation for Tezos WNO Match

Introduction to Gordon Ryan’s upcoming match against Patrick Gaudio

Gordon Ryan, a renowned grappler, is gearing up for his upcoming match against Patrick Gaudio in the Tezos WNO. As one of the most highly anticipated matchups in recent history, this bout is generating immense excitement within the grappling community. Both athletes possess exceptional skills and have established themselves as formidable opponents in the world of jiu-jitsu. In preparation for this event, Gordon Ryan is leaving no stone unturned, focusing on various techniques, strategies, and physical conditioning to ensure he is at the peak of his performance come fight night.

Importance of preparation in grappling

Preparation is a crucial aspect of any competitive sport, and grappling is no exception. The immense physical and mental demands placed on grapplers necessitate an extensive and meticulous approach to training. Conditioning the body to withstand the rigorous nature of the sport, honing technical skills, and studying opponents’ strengths and weaknesses are key components of preparation.

By dedicating ample time to preparation, athletes can build confidence, improve their skill set, and adapt to different scenarios that may arise during a match. It also allows them to create effective game plans, exploit their opponents’ weaknesses, and better anticipate and react to their opponents’ moves. In the case of Gordon Ryan, his meticulous preparation and attention to detail have been instrumental in his success thus far, and he continues to push the boundaries in pursuit of excellence.

Gordon Ryan’s training regimen

Gordon Ryan’s training regimen is a testament to his commitment and dedication to his craft. He follows a well-rounded approach that encompasses various aspects of physical fitness and technical training. His regimen includes strength and conditioning workouts, drilling of techniques, sparring sessions, and analysis of past performances.

Ryan’s strength and conditioning training aims to enhance his explosiveness, muscular endurance, and overall physical capabilities. He incorporates weightlifting, cardiovascular exercises, and functional movements to develop a well-rounded foundation of fitness. By building a strong and resilient body, Ryan is better equipped to withstand the physical demands of grappling and maintain a high level of performance throughout his matches.

In terms of technical training, Ryan focuses on refining his grappling skills through consistent drilling and practice. He meticulously studies various aspects of grappling, including takedowns, submissions, and positional control, to develop a comprehensive arsenal of techniques. By exploring different styles and approaches, he can adapt his game plan to exploit his opponents’ weaknesses effectively.

Additionally, Ryan believes in the power of visualization and mental training. He devotes time to mentally rehearse his techniques, visualize successful performances, and work on his mental resilience. This mental conditioning enables him to stay focused, composed, and confident during high-pressure situations, ultimately enhancing his overall performance.

Techniques: Counter Wrestling

Understanding the concept of counter wrestling

Counter wrestling is a defensive strategy employed by grapplers to neutralize their opponent’s takedowns and attacks. It involves anticipating an opponent’s movements and countering with well-timed defensive techniques. By utilizing proper footwork, timing, and leverage, counter wrestlers aim to disrupt their opponent’s offensive flow and create opportunities for their own attacks.

Examples of counter wrestling techniques employed by Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan is renowned for his exceptional counter wrestling abilities and has displayed his prowess in numerous matches. He utilizes a variety of techniques to thwart his opponents’ takedown attempts and maintain control over the match. Some of the counter wrestling techniques frequently employed by Ryan include:

  1. Sprawling: When an opponent attempts a takedown, Ryan reacts by sprawling his legs backward while keeping his hips low. This technique effectively nullifies the opponent’s takedown attempt and allows Ryan to maintain a dominant position.

  2. Whizzer: The whizzer technique involves posting one arm on the opponent’s shoulder while the other arm wraps around their waist. This counter allows Ryan to create separation and control the opponent’s movement, preventing them from executing successful takedowns.

  3. Defensive grips: Ryan strategically utilizes grips to disrupt his opponent’s balance and attempt to counter their attacks. By controlling the grips and manipulating his opponent’s movements, he can effectively shut down their offensive advances.

How counter wrestling can neutralize an opponent’s offense

Counter wrestling serves as a powerful tool to neutralize an opponent’s offense by disrupting their timing and control. By employing well-timed defensive techniques, grapplers like Gordon Ryan can create openings for counterattacks or positional control. Additionally, effective counter wrestling can demoralize opponents, as their attempts to secure takedowns are repeatedly thwarted. This psychological advantage further bolsters the counter wrestler’s position and sets the stage for a dominant performance.

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Techniques: Heavy Pressure

Exploring the concept of heavy pressure in grappling

Heavy pressure is a fundamental aspect of grappling that involves utilizing one’s body weight to apply constant pressure on the opponent. By effectively distributing their weight and maintaining a smothering presence, grapplers can create significant discomfort for their opponents. Heavy pressure is employed in various positions and transitions, enabling the practitioner to control and dominate their adversaries.

Benefits of using heavy pressure during matches

Heavy pressure provides numerous advantages for a grappler during a match. Some key benefits of employing heavy pressure include:

  1. Fatigue and frustration: Constant pressure and weight from the top position can quickly exhaust opponents, both physically and mentally. This fatigue can impair their technique and decision-making, making them more susceptible to mistakes and openings for attacks.

  2. Control and domination: Heavy pressure allows grapplers to establish dominant control over their opponents, limiting their options and forcing them into defensive positions. By dictating the pace and positioning of the match, grapplers can effectively nullify their opponents’ offense and maintain control throughout the bout.

  3. Submission setups: Heavy pressure can create opportunities for submission holds by forcing opponents to expose vulnerable areas of their bodies. By skillfully transitioning and applying pressure to specific areas, grapplers can maximize their chances of securing submissions.

Examples of heavy pressure techniques used by Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan is renowned for his ability to impose heavy pressure on his opponents, suffocating their movements and stifling their offense. He employs various techniques to inflict this pressure throughout a match. Some examples of heavy pressure techniques utilized by Ryan include:

  1. Cross face pressure: When the opponent is positioned on their back, Ryan uses his forearm to drive into the side of their face. This cross face pressure restricts their mobility and creates discomfort, making it harder for them to escape or execute effective techniques.

  2. Shoulder pressure: Ryan utilizes his shoulder to apply intense pressure on the opponent’s chest or face. This technique restricts their breathing and disrupts their ability to generate power, reducing their offensive capabilities.

  3. Hip pressure: By effectively utilizing his hip movement and weight distribution, Ryan can pin opponents to the ground and immobilize them. This heavy pressure prevents opponents from escaping or mounting an effective offense.

  4. Knee-on-belly pressure: When in the knee-on-belly position, Ryan skillfully manipulates his weight and leverages his knee to apply significant pressure on his opponent’s midsection. This pressure creates discomfort and instability, making it difficult for opponents to escape or defend against submissions.

FULL ROUND: Counter Wrestling and Heavy Pressure From Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan’s Open Round at New Wave

An overview of Gordon Ryan’s open round at New Wave gym

In preparation for his highly anticipated match against Patrick Gaudio, Gordon Ryan held an open round at New Wave gym. This session allowed Ryan to test his skills against various training partners and simulate the intensity of a real-life competition. The open round provided an opportunity for Ryan to fine-tune his techniques, gauge his conditioning, and identify areas for improvement.

Observations and analysis of his performance

During the open round, Gordon Ryan displayed his trademark dominance and technical excellence. His fluidity of movement, impeccable timing, and precision in executing techniques were on full display. Ryan effortlessly transitioned between positions, showcasing his ability to control and submit his training partners. His counter wrestling skills and heavy pressure tactics were particularly impressive, repeatedly thwarting the attacks of his adversaries.

Furthermore, Ryan’s mental fortitude and composure were evident throughout the session. He maintained a calm and focused demeanor, making calculated decisions and adjusting his approach as needed. This ability to handle high-pressure situations with poise is a testament to his experience and mental preparedness, both of which are vital components of his success in the upcoming match.

Impact of the open round on his preparation for the upcoming match

The open round at New Wave gym served as a valuable crucible for Gordon Ryan’s preparations. It allowed him to assess his physical conditioning, test his techniques against resistant opponents, and identify any areas that required further refinement. The insights gained from the open round will enable Ryan to fine-tune his game plan, address any weaknesses, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance in his upcoming match against Patrick Gaudio.

Analysis: Gordon Ryan’s Skillset

Evaluation of Gordon Ryan’s overall grappling skillset

Gordon Ryan possesses a remarkable grappling skillset that has propelled him to the forefront of the sport. His technical proficiency, physical prowess, and tactical acumen make him a formidable opponent for any competitor. Ryan’s skillset can be evaluated under the following categories:

  1. Takedowns: Ryan’s understanding of timing, leverage, and footwork allows him to execute takedowns with precision. His diverse arsenal of takedowns includes single-legs, double-legs, and various trips, ensuring he is a threat in both the gi and no-gi grappling formats.

  2. Submissions: Ryan’s ability to secure submissions is unparalleled. His deep knowledge of joint locks, chokes, and positional control enables him to flawlessly execute submissions from a variety of positions. Whether it be armlocks, chokes, or leg locks, Ryan possesses the technical prowess to finish fights.

  3. Positional Control: Ryan’s control and dominance in positional transitions are key components of his success. He excels in maintaining dominant positions such as mount, side control, and back control, tirelessly working to neutralize his opponents and break their defenses.

  4. Guard Play: Ryan’s guard is a formidable weapon in his arsenal. He showcases a versatile range of open and closed guard techniques, sweeps, and submissions. His ability to nullify opponents’ guard passes and create offensive opportunities from the bottom position is a testament to his meticulous guard play.

Strengths and weaknesses of his technique

Gordon Ryan’s grappling technique is marked by numerous strengths that have contributed to his success. These strengths include:

  1. Fluidity and Transitions: Ryan’s seamless transitions between positions and techniques are a testament to his technical proficiency. His ability to flow from one move to another allows him to maintain dominance and exploit his opponents’ weaknesses.

  2. Tactical Awareness: Ryan’s strategic mind is evident in his ability to read his opponents and adapt his game plan accordingly. He is able to identify and exploit weaknesses, making calculated decisions that enhance his chances of success.

  3. Mental Toughness: Ryan’s mental fortitude and resilience are instrumental in overcoming adversity during matches. He remains composed under pressure, allowing him to make clear-headed decisions and seize opportunities.

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While Gordon Ryan possesses an astounding skill set, it is important to recognize that he is not invincible. Like any athlete, he may have areas of weakness that opponents could potentially exploit. These weaknesses may include susceptibility to certain grappling techniques, vulnerabilities in specific positions, or the need to further refine certain aspects of his overall game. It is vital for Ryan to continuously work on these areas in order to minimize potential openings for opponents.

How his skillset matches up against opponents like Patrick Gaudio

Gordon Ryan’s skill set presents a formidable challenge to opponents like Patrick Gaudio. Ryan’s exceptional technical ability, diverse arsenal of techniques, and tactical prowess have proven to be highly effective against a wide range of opponents. His counter wrestling skills could neutralize Gaudio’s takedown attempts, while his heavy pressure tactics could disrupt Gaudio’s offensive flow.

However, it is important to acknowledge that Gaudio is also a highly skilled and accomplished grappler, known for his strength, explosiveness, and powerful attacks. Gaudio’s aggressive style and tenacity could pose a unique challenge for Ryan, requiring him to adapt and strategize accordingly. The matchup between Ryan and Gaudio promises to be an intense battle of contrasting styles, with both athletes aiming to capitalize on their strengths and exploit their opponent’s weaknesses.

Tactics: Capitalizing on Opponent’s Mistakes

The importance of recognizing and capitalizing on opponent’s mistakes

In the high-stakes world of grappling, capitalizing on an opponent’s mistakes can often be the key to securing victory. Whether it is a momentary lapse in technique, an ill-timed decision, or a positional error, opponents’ mistakes provide opportunities for grapplers to gain an upper hand and shift the momentum of the match in their favor. Recognizing and capitalizing on these mistakes requires a keen eye, tactical awareness, and exceptional timing.

How Gordon Ryan exploits his opponents’ errors

Gordon Ryan’s ability to exploit opponents’ mistakes has been a cornerstone of his success. He has displayed a remarkable ability to quickly identify weaknesses or openings in his opponents’ technique or decision-making and capitalize on them with lightning-fast precision. Ryan’s tactical awareness and technical proficiency allow him to seamlessly transition from defensive maneuvers to offensive attacks, creating opportunities for debilitating submission holds or dominant positional control.

Ryan’s well-rounded skill set also enables him to exploit a wide range of opponent mistakes. Whether it is leaving an arm exposed for an armbar, providing an opening for a sweep or failing to maintain proper defensive positioning, Ryan possesses the knowledge and skill to exploit these errors and swiftly turn them into victories.

Strategies to enhance one’s ability to capitalize on mistakes

Developing the ability to capitalize on opponents’ mistakes is a skill that can be honed through deliberate practice and tactical awareness. Some strategies that can enhance one’s ability to seize opportunities include:

  1. Study opponents: Carefully analyze opponents’ previous matches and identify patterns or tendencies. Understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and common mistakes will allow you to better prepare and strategize.

  2. Capitalize on transitions: Transitions are moments of vulnerability for opponents. Practice recognizing and utilizing these opportunities to gain dominant positions or launch offensive attacks.

  3. Develop diverse submission attacks: Expand your repertoire of submission techniques to maximize your chances of capitalizing on opponents’ errors. By being proficient in a wide range of submissions, you can exploit any weaknesses or openings that arise.

  4. Timing and patience: Wait for the right moment to strike. Patience is crucial in recognizing and capitalizing on opponent mistakes. Rather than forcing opportunities, allow them to present themselves naturally and take advantage of them when they arise.

By incorporating these strategies into regular training and competition, grapplers can enhance their ability to recognize and capitalize on opponents’ mistakes, shifting the momentum of the match in their favor.

Defensive Strategies Against Counter Wrestling

Effective defensive strategies to counter counter wrestling

Counter wrestling can pose a significant challenge for grapplers, but there are several effective defensive strategies that can be employed to neutralize opponents’ counter wrestling tactics. Some key defensive strategies against counter wrestling include:

  1. Anticipate and react: By studying opponents’ tendencies and developing a high level of situational awareness, grapplers can anticipate counter wrestling attempts and react accordingly. This allows them to preemptively defend against counters and maintain control.

  2. Maintain good posture: A strong, upright posture is crucial to defending against counter wrestling. It allows grapplers to maintain balance and prevent opponents from disrupting their base or executing effective sweeps or counters.

  3. Quick transitions: Rapidly transitioning between positions can make it more difficult for opponents to counter wrestle effectively. By constantly changing their attack angles and maintaining a dynamic approach, grapplers can keep their opponents off balance and negate counter wrestling attempts.

Recognizing cues for counter attacks

Recognizing cues for counter attacks is essential for effective defense against opponents’ counter wrestling. Some common cues to watch out for include:

  1. Opponent’s weight shift: Pay attention to changes in your opponent’s weight distribution. Sudden shifts in weight can indicate an impending counter wrestling attack.

  2. Grip changes: Be aware of any changes in your opponent’s grip. Adjustments or alterations in their grip may signal an impending counter move.

  3. Footwork: Observe your opponent’s footwork. Sudden changes in foot positioning or movement patterns can suggest an impending counter attack.

By staying vigilant and attuned to these cues, grapplers can react in a timely manner, nullifying their opponents’ counter wrestling attempts and maintaining control.

Training methods to improve defense against counter wrestling

Improving defense against counter wrestling requires a combination of technical training, physical conditioning, and situational drills. Some effective training methods to enhance defense against counter wrestling include:

  1. Technical drills: Focus on drilling specific defensive techniques against common counter wrestling attacks. Repetition and muscle memory development can significantly improve reactive defense.

  2. Live sparring: Engage in live sparring sessions with partners who specialize in counter wrestling. This provides a realistic training environment and allows for the application of defensive strategies under pressure.

  3. Positional training: Devote specific training sessions to specific positions that are vulnerable to counter wrestling. This targeted approach allows for focused defense and improved awareness of potential counterattacks.

  4. Video analysis: Reviewing footage of matches and training sessions can provide valuable insights into defensive weaknesses and areas for improvement. Analyze opponents’ counter wrestling techniques and identify patterns or tendencies to better prepare for future encounters.

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By incorporating these training methods into regular practice, grapplers can enhance their defensive skills and become more adept at neutralizing opponents’ counter wrestling attempts.

Maintaining Heavy Pressure Throughout the Match

Tips for maintaining heavy pressure during a match

Maintaining heavy pressure throughout a match is crucial for establishing dominance and controlling the pace. Some tips for maintaining heavy pressure include:

  1. Proper weight distribution: Focus on distributing your body weight evenly over your opponent. This creates a constant source of pressure that can be challenging to escape.

  2. Hip mobility: Develop strong hip mobility to optimize weight distribution and control. By using subtle hip movements, you can constantly readjust your position and maintain pressure.

  3. Active footwork: Engage in active footwork to stay balanced and prevent opponents from easily escaping your pressure. This ensures that you can maintain pressure even during transitions or adjustments in position.

  4. Continuous pressure: Avoid giving opponents breathing space by maintaining constant pressure and staying active. Relentlessly work to smother and tire out opponents, making it difficult for them to mount a successful offense.

Creating constant discomfort for the opponent

Creating constant discomfort for opponents is a key aspect of maintaining heavy pressure. By applying pressure and making opponents uncomfortable throughout the match, grapplers can disrupt their rhythm, diminish their offensive capabilities, and increase the likelihood of mistakes. Techniques for creating discomfort include:

  1. Cross-face pressure: Utilize cross-face pressure to restrict opponents’ movement and impede their ability to execute effective techniques.

  2. Shoulder and chest pressure: Apply weight and pressure on opponents’ shoulders and chest to restrict their breathing and disrupt their ability to generate power.

  3. Positional control: Seek to control dominant positions such as mount, side control, or back control to maintain a smothering presence and limit opponents’ options.

  4. Strategic hand and arm control: Manipulate opponents’ grips and control their hands and arms to hinder their ability to create space, execute submissions, or mount an effective defense.

By combining these techniques with effective weight distribution and constant pressure, grapplers can create an environment of constant discomfort, tilting the match in their favor.

Transitions and combinations to maximize heavy pressure

Transitions and combinations can be utilized to maximize heavy pressure, keeping opponents off balance and increasing the effectiveness of pressure-based attacks. Some key transitions and combinations include:

  1. Positional fluidity: Flow smoothly from one position to another, utilizing proper footwork and weight distribution. This can disorient opponents, making it difficult for them to anticipate or counter your movements.

  2. Submission chains: Link together submission attempts or transitions. By chaining submissions, you can maintain constant offensive pressure and keep opponents on the defensive.

  3. Top pressure transitions: Showcase smooth transitions between heavy top positions such as mount, side control, and knee-on-belly. This constant movement and pressure creates continuous discomfort for opponents and makes it challenging for them to escape.

  4. Combination attacks: Combine heavy pressure tactics with attacks from different positions. This can overwhelm opponents and make it difficult for them to mount an effective defense.

By integrating these transitions and combinations into their game plan, grapplers can maximize the effectiveness of heavy pressure tactics and maintain a dominant position throughout the match.

Preventing and Escaping Heavy Pressure

Defensive techniques to prevent being trapped under heavy pressure

Preventing being trapped under heavy pressure requires a combination of defensive techniques and proactive positioning. Some key defensive techniques to employ include:

  1. Maintaining active frames: Use active frames to create space and disrupt opponents’ pressure. Properly positioning your arms and legs can make it more difficult for opponents to establish heavy pressure on your body.

  2. Hip mobility and bridging: Develop strong hip mobility and bridging techniques to create space and escape from under heavy pressure. By using explosive hip movements and bridging, you can disrupt opponents’ balance and potentially reverse the positions.

  3. Breaking grips and controlling hands: Focus on breaking opponents’ grips and controlling their hands to limit their ability to establish heavy pressure. Proper hand and wrist control can create openings for escapes and prevent opponents from gaining full dominance.

Escaping from heavy pressure positions

Escaping from heavy pressure positions requires a combination of timing, technique, and explosiveness. Some effective techniques for escaping heavy pressure include:

  1. Upa (Bridge and Roll): Use explosive bridging and rolling motions to escape from mount or side control. This technique can create space and potentially reverse the positions.

  2. Leg pummeling: Utilize leg pummeling techniques to create space and regain more favorable positions. This involves manipulating opponents’ legs and creating a counter pressure that disrupts their balance and control.

  3. Framing and shrimping: Employ efficient framing and shrimping techniques to create space and escape from bottom positions. By using your arms and legs to frame against opponents’ bodies and shrimping out, you can create openings for escapes and regain control.

  4. Technical stand-up: Practice technical stand-up techniques to quickly transition from bottom positions to standing. This allows you to escape heavy pressure and reset the position to a more neutral state.

How to create opportunities from defending against heavy pressure

Defending against heavy pressure can create opportunities for counterattacks and transitional movements. By effectively neutralizing opponents’ pressure, grapplers can exploit openings and create advantageous positions. Some strategies to create opportunities from defending against heavy pressure include:

  1. Off-balancing opponents: Look for moments when opponents are slightly off balance due to their heavy pressure. Use these opportunities to execute sweeps or counterattacks that exploit their vulnerabilities.

  2. Capitalize on grip breaks: When defending heavy pressure, pay attention to opponents’ grips and capitalize on moments when they release their grips to transition or adjust their position. Use these opportunities to create space and initiate your own attacks.

  3. Dynamic guard recovery: Develop dynamic guard recovery techniques to reclaim guard position from under heavy pressure. By fluidly transitioning from defending to attacking, you can catch opponents off guard and regain control.

  4. Counter submissions: Take advantage of opponents’ heavy pressure to set up counters and submission attacks. Look for openings when opponents commit heavily to their attacks, leaving themselves susceptible to submissions.

By staying composed, patient, and aware during moments of heavy pressure, grapplers can seize openings and create opportunities to turn the tide of the match in their favor.


In preparation for his Tezos WNO match against Patrick Gaudio, Gordon Ryan has dedicated himself to a comprehensive and meticulous training regimen. With a focus on counter wrestling, heavy pressure, and strategic tactics, Ryan aims to dominate the match and showcase his exceptional grappling skill set. By honing his skills, exploiting opponents’ mistakes, and utilizing effective strategies, Ryan has positioned himself as a formidable opponent for Gaudio.

The importance of preparation, both physically and mentally, cannot be overstated in the world of grappling. Gordon Ryan exemplifies the dedication and commitment required to excel at the highest level. Through his rigorous training regimen, he has developed a versatile skill set that allows him to adapt to any opponent or situation. His ability to recognize and capitalize on mistakes, maintain heavy pressure, and employ defensive strategies has consistently propelled him to victory.

As the Tezos WNO match between Gordon Ryan and Patrick Gaudio draws near, anticipation and excitement run high within the grappling community. The clash of styles, techniques, and strategies promises to be a spectacle for fans of the sport. Both athletes have proven themselves time and again, and their upcoming battle is sure to be a testament to their skill, determination, and preparation.

Hi there! My name is Jesse Hull and I am the author behind the Jiu-Jitsu FC website. With a passion for Jiu-Jitsu, I've created this platform to share my love for the sport, along with valuable insights and techniques. At Jiu-Jitsu FC, we believe in the power of this martial art to transform lives and foster resilience. Through our blog, we aim to inspire and motivate others to discover their true potential. So join me on this journey of self-discovery and let's unlock the incredible power of Jiu-Jitsu together. Remember, Discover power. Discover resilience. Discover yourself.