Full Round: Takedowns & Heavy Pressure With Devhonte Johnson

Full Round: Takedowns & Heavy Pressure With Devhonte Johnson

In this video titled “Full Round: Takedowns & Heavy Pressure With Devhonte Johnson,” FloGrappling showcases the impressive skills of Devhonte Johnson. The video captures Devhonte flexing his expertise in backtake maneuvers, takedowns, and dominating mount pressure during a training camp round at Unity before Worlds. If you’re a jiu jitsu enthusiast, make sure to watch this video to witness Devhonte’s mastery in action. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to FloGrappling for access to all the latest jiu jitsu videos. Join the community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay connected with FloGrappling.

Full Round: Takedowns  Heavy Pressure With Devhonte Johnson


In the world of jiu jitsu, mastering takedowns and heavy pressure techniques is essential for success in competition. These skills not only allow practitioners to score points but also enable them to neutralize their opponent’s attacks and gain dominant positions. In this article, we will delve into the various takedowns, backtake skills, and dominant mount pressure techniques that are employed by top jiu jitsu practitioners. We will also explore the importance of training camps, the benefits of utilizing these techniques, and the best training techniques to hone these skills.


Takedowns play a crucial role in jiu jitsu, as they allow practitioners to bring their opponent to the ground and gain an advantageous position. There are several takedown techniques that are commonly used in jiu jitsu, each with its own unique advantages.

Single Leg Takedown

The single leg takedown is a fundamental technique in jiu jitsu. It involves grabbing one of your opponent’s legs and taking them down to the mat while maintaining control. This takedown is particularly effective against opponents who have a strong base and are difficult to take down using other techniques.

Double Leg Takedown

The double leg takedown is another widely used technique in jiu jitsu. It involves shooting in on your opponent’s legs and driving them off balance, ultimately taking them down to the mat. The double leg takedown is known for its effectiveness in both gi and no-gi jiu jitsu and is often used by practitioners to quickly gain control over their opponents.

Fireman’s Carry

The fireman’s carry is an advanced takedown technique that requires strength and technique. It involves hoisting your opponent onto your shoulders and then transitioning them to the ground while maintaining control. This takedown is particularly effective against opponents who have a strong defense against traditional takedowns and can catch them off guard.

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The suplex is a high-risk, high-reward takedown technique. It involves lifting your opponent off the ground and throwing them backward, often landing in a dominant position on top. This takedown requires a great deal of explosiveness and timing, but if executed correctly, it can quickly end a match.

Backtake Skills

Once on the ground, having strong backtake skills can give a practitioner a significant advantage. These skills allow them to control their opponent from the back, set up submission opportunities, and potentially secure a match-ending choke or armbar.

Control from the Back

Control from the back is essential for any jiu jitsu practitioner. It involves establishing a strong grip on your opponent’s back and maintaining control throughout the match. By controlling their hips and upper body, you can limit their movements and prevent them from escaping or mounting a counterattack.

Collar Choke from the Back

The collar choke from the back is a highly effective submission technique that can quickly end a match. It involves using the lapel of your opponent’s gi to apply pressure to their neck, cutting off their blood flow and forcing them to submit. This choke is particularly dangerous because it can be executed from a dominant position where the opponent has limited defenses.

Armbar from the Back

Another submission opportunity from the back is the armbar. By isolating one of your opponent’s arms and extending it, you can apply pressure to their elbow joint, potentially causing injury or prompting them to tap out. The armbar is a versatile submission that can be employed from various positions, making it a valuable skill for any jiu jitsu practitioner.

Dominant Mount Pressure

Once a practitioner has gained the mount position, it is crucial to maintain dominant pressure to control the match and set up effective attacks. Dominant mount pressure allows for a higher chance of success in submissions and can force the opponent into making mistakes.

Establishing Mount Position

Establishing the mount position involves transitioning from a neutral or inferior position to a dominant one, where you are sitting on top of your opponent and have control over their movements. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as transitioning from side control or taking advantage of a sweep.

Maintaining Top Control

Once in the mount position, maintaining top control is essential. This requires distributing your weight evenly and staying active to prevent your opponent from escaping or reversing the position. By maintaining top control, you can control the pace of the match and wear down your opponent both physically and mentally.

Mount Attacks

While in the mount, a practitioner has the opportunity to launch a variety of attacks. These attacks can include submissions, such as armbars and chokes, as well as strikes in an MMA setting. By utilizing a combination of attacks, a practitioner can keep their opponent on the defensive, making it difficult for them to escape or mount a counterattack.

Training Camp at Unity

Training camps play a crucial role in a jiu jitsu practitioner’s journey to success. These intensive training sessions allow practitioners to fine-tune their skills, sharpen their techniques, and prepare both physically and mentally for upcoming competitions.

Importance of Training Camp

A training camp provides an environment focused solely on improving and preparing for competition. It allows practitioners to train with higher-level partners, receive guidance from experienced coaches, and push their limits in a controlled setting. Training camps also provide an opportunity for practitioners to develop camaraderie with their teammates and foster a competitive spirit.

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Unity Training Facility

Unity Training Facility, led by Devhonte Johnson, is a renowned training center for jiu jitsu practitioners. Known for its high-level instruction and professional training environment, Unity Training Facility has produced numerous world-class athletes. The facility offers a variety of training programs and caters to practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced competitors.

Preparation for Worlds

For practitioners aiming to compete at the highest level, training camps before major tournaments like the World Championships are crucial. These camps allow athletes to fine-tune their techniques, refine their strategies, and build their stamina and endurance. Training camps also offer the opportunity for athletes to simulate competition scenarios and gain experience under pressure, preparing them for the intensity and challenges they may face in actual contests.

Benefits of Takedowns

Takedowns provide several advantages for jiu jitsu practitioners, both in competition and self-defense scenarios. Understanding and executing takedowns effectively can contribute to a well-rounded skill set and enhance a practitioner’s overall performance.

Scoring Points in Competition

In jiu jitsu competitions, takedowns are typically awarded points, which can make the difference between victory and defeat. By successfully executing a takedown, a practitioner not only gains an advantageous position but also earns points that can contribute to winning the match. Takedowns also provide an opportunity for a practitioner to showcase their skills and assert dominance over their opponent.

Neutralizing Opponent’s Attacks

Takedowns can be effective in neutralizing an opponent’s attack. By initiating a takedown, a practitioner can disrupt the opponent’s offensive strategies, force them to defend, and potentially regain control of the match. Takedowns can also create opportunities to transition into dominant positions, where the practitioner can launch their own attacks or secure submissions.

Gaining Top Position

One of the primary benefits of takedowns is the ability to gain top position. With top position, a practitioner has more control over the match, as they can dictate the pace and flow of the fight. Additionally, being in a top position allows for a greater range of attack options, making it easier to set up submissions or ground and pound.

Importance of Backtake Skills

Backtake skills are highly valuable in jiu jitsu, as they offer a direct pathway to achieving dominant positions and securing submissions. By capitalizing on an opponent’s mistakes and seizing opportunities, skilled practitioners can establish control from the back and effectively end a match.

Capitalizing on Opponent’s Mistakes

In a jiu jitsu match, opponents will inevitably make mistakes. By honing their backtake skills, practitioners can recognize and capitalize on these mistakes, quickly transitioning to the back and establishing control. These mistakes can include leaving an arm exposed, failing to protect their neck, or losing the battle for dominant grips.

Gaining Dominant Position

The back position is widely regarded as one of the most dominant positions in jiu jitsu. By establishing control from the back, a practitioner can control their opponent’s movements, limit their options for defense, and set up submission opportunities. The level of control from the back provides a significant advantage in a match and increases the chances of securing a victory.

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Setting up Submission Opportunities

One of the primary objectives of gaining the back position is to set up submission opportunities. From the back, a practitioner has numerous options for chokes, armbars, and other submissions. By utilizing their backtake skills, practitioners can seamlessly transition from controlling their opponent to exploiting vulnerabilities and securing a match-ending submission.

Utilizing Heavy Pressure in Mount

Mounting heavy pressure on an opponent not only physically exhausts them but also restricts their movements, making it difficult for them to escape or counterattack. By utilizing heavy pressure in the mount position, practitioners can effectively control the match and increase the likelihood of securing victory.

Making Opponent Exhausted

When a practitioner applies heavy pressure from the mount, it forces their opponent to expend energy and work harder to escape. This can be physically exhausting, affecting the opponent’s stamina and wearing them down throughout the match. As the opponent becomes fatigued, their defenses may weaken, providing opportunities for the practitioner to launch attacks or secure submissions.

Controlling Opponent’s Movements

Mounting heavy pressure on an opponent restricts their movements and limits their options for escape or counterattack. By distributing their weight effectively and maintaining constant pressure, a practitioner can immobilize their opponent, making it difficult for them to bridge, shrimp, or regain guard. This control allows the practitioner to maintain dominance and launch attacks from a stable position.

Setting up Ground and Pound Attacks

In the context of mixed martial arts (MMA), heavy pressure in the mount position can create opportunities for ground and pound attacks. By applying relentless pressure and keeping the opponent immobilized, a practitioner can deliver strikes to weaken their opponent and potentially secure a knockout or referee stoppage. Mounting heavy pressure enhances the effectiveness of ground and pound attacks, maximizing the practitioner’s chances of victory.

Training Techniques for Takedowns

To improve takedowns, practitioners must engage in specific training techniques aimed at mastering their setup, execution, and timing. By incorporating these training techniques into their routine, practitioners can enhance their takedown skills and achieve better results in competition.

Drilling Takedown Setups

Drilling takedown setups helps to develop muscle memory and improve technique. By repeating the movements and sequences required for specific takedowns, practitioners can ingrain these techniques in their minds and bodies. Drilling enables practitioners to execute takedowns more efficiently and instinctively, which is crucial when facing skilled opponents in competition.

Live Sparring Takedowns

Live sparring is a valuable training technique for improving takedowns. By practicing takedowns in a realistic, dynamic setting, practitioners can refine their timing, reactions, and adaptability. Sparring allows practitioners to experience the pressure and unpredictability of a real match, forcing them to employ their takedowns under varying circumstances and against different opponents.

Working with a Partner

Training with a partner is an effective way to enhance takedown skills. By taking turns practicing takedowns, practitioners can simulate real match scenarios and fine-tune their techniques. Working with a partner also allows practitioners to receive immediate feedback and corrections, helping them to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.


Mastering takedowns and heavy pressure techniques is a crucial aspect of success in jiu jitsu. These skills enable practitioners to score points, neutralize opponents’ attacks, and gain dominant positions. Whether it be through the execution of single leg takedowns, the application of backtake skills, or the utilization of heavy pressure in the mount, these techniques can significantly impact the outcome of a match. By dedicating time to training camps, honing their skills, and employing effective training techniques, practitioners can elevate their jiu jitsu game and achieve success in competition.

Hi there! My name is Jesse Hull and I am the author behind the Jiu-Jitsu FC website. With a passion for Jiu-Jitsu, I've created this platform to share my love for the sport, along with valuable insights and techniques. At Jiu-Jitsu FC, we believe in the power of this martial art to transform lives and foster resilience. Through our blog, we aim to inspire and motivate others to discover their true potential. So join me on this journey of self-discovery and let's unlock the incredible power of Jiu-Jitsu together. Remember, Discover power. Discover resilience. Discover yourself.