Eddie Bravo On Jiu-Jitsu’s Latest Evolution “What is Is Old Is New Again”
In “Eddie Bravo On Jiu-Jitsu’s Latest Evolution “What is Is Old Is New Again”, Eddie Bravo discusses the recent changes and developments in the world of jiu-jitsu. He highlights how the focus has shifted from leg locks to passing the guard and mounting, emphasizing the importance of mastering these fundamental techniques. Eddie acknowledges that while leg locks were once considered a quick fix, they are now widely understood and defended against. He emphasizes the need for practitioners to adapt and elevate their game by becoming experts in passing and mounting. Eddie believes that the future of jiu-jitsu lies in a combination of old-school techniques with a strong defense against leg locks, pushing the sport to new heights.”
Throughout his years of observing jiu-jitsu, Eddie Bravo notes that the game has evolved significantly. With an increase in leg retractions and hip movements, jiu-jitsu now looks different than it did 20 years ago. However, Eddie recognizes that the practitioners have also become more knowledgeable and prepared, making it necessary to focus on passing the guard and mounting. He mentions the importance of honing these skills and taking nogi pass to the next level. Eddie emphasizes the need for a strong defense against leg locks, as it has become a fundamental aspect of the game. Ultimately, he asserts that the future of jiu-jitsu is rooted in the past, combining classic techniques with a refined ability to counter leg lock situations.
In the ever-evolving world of jiu-jitsu, there are always new techniques and strategies being developed and utilized. One person who has been at the forefront of this evolution is Eddie Bravo. In a recent video by FloGrappling, Bravo discussed the latest meta-adjustments in jiu-jitsu and how the sport has come full circle. He emphasized the importance of passing the guard, mounting, and utilizing fluid techniques in order to stay ahead in the game. According to Bravo, the future of jiu-jitsu lies in a combination of old and new techniques, with a heavy focus on leglock defense.
Evolution of Jiu-Jitsu
Over the years, jiu-jitsu has undergone significant changes. Techniques that were once considered revolutionary have become commonplace, and new techniques continue to be developed. Bravo notes that there was a leglock revolution in the past, where practitioners focused heavily on leg attacks and submissions. However, as with any trend, the leglock era eventually came to an end. Nowadays, jiu-jitsu has shifted its focus to a more well-rounded game, encompassing passing the guard, mounting, and other fundamental aspects of the sport.
The Leglock Revolution
The leglock revolution, as Bravo calls it, brought about a new wave of techniques and strategies. Practitioners realized that by attacking their opponent’s legs, they could secure submissions and quickly end a fight. This led to an increased emphasis on leg attacks and a disregard for other aspects of jiu-jitsu, such as passing the guard or mounting. However, as Bravo points out, this approach is no longer as effective as it once was. Everyone is now aware of leglock defense, making it much more difficult to catch opponents off guard with a leglock submission. Thus, the leglock revolution has lost its novelty.
Shift in Focus
With the end of the leglock era, jiu-jitsu has shifted its focus back to more traditional techniques. The emphasis is now on passing the guard and mounting, as Bravo explains. These fundamental aspects of jiu-jitsu are essential for gaining control over an opponent and setting up submissions. Practitioners are now realizing the importance of mastering these techniques and incorporating them into their game.
Leglock Defense
As leglock attacks become more prevalent in jiu-jitsu, so does the need for effective leglock defense. Bravo stresses the importance of learning how to defend against leg attacks and react appropriately. With everyone becoming well-versed in leglock techniques, it is essential to have a solid defense so as not to get caught in compromising positions. The days of easy leg locks are long gone, and practitioners must now be prepared to defend against them to avoid being submitted.
The Future of Jiu-Jitsu
According to Bravo, the future of jiu-jitsu is a blend of old and new techniques. Passing the guard and mounting will always be crucial aspects of the sport, but with the advancements in leg attacks, practitioners must also be prepared to handle and counter leglock submissions. The key is to have a well-rounded game that covers all areas of jiu-jitsu, from passing the guard to defending against leg attacks.
Passing the Guard
Passing the guard is a fundamental skill in jiu-jitsu. It involves overcoming an opponent’s defenses and gaining control over them while they are on their back. Bravo emphasizes the importance of becoming exceptional at passing the guard, as it sets the stage for progressing to more dominant positions and securing submissions. Practitioners must develop a wide range of passing techniques to overcome various types of guard, whether it be open guard, closed guard, or half guard.
Mounting is another critical aspect of jiu-jitsu that Bravo highlights. It refers to gaining superior control over an opponent by straddling them and placing oneself in a position of dominance. From the mount position, practitioners have a wide array of attacks and submission opportunities. Mastering the mount allows one to control the opponent’s movements and effectively transition to other positions or secure a finish.
Fluidity in Techniques
A key attribute of successful jiu-jitsu practitioners is their ability to flow seamlessly from one technique to another. Bravo emphasizes the importance of fluidity in transitions, whether it be from passing the guard to mounting or transitioning from one submission attempt to another. Practitioners must develop a repertoire of techniques that complement each other and allow for smooth transitions. This fluidity not only keeps opponents off balance but also allows for quick and efficient movement on the mats.
Taking Nogi Pass to the Next Level
One area where Bravo sees room for growth and development is in Nogi pass techniques. He encourages practitioners to take their Nogi passing game to the next level and explore new possibilities. With the rise of Nogi competition and the popularity of submission-only events, there is a need for innovative and effective Nogi pass techniques. Bravo believes that by refining and expanding upon existing Nogi passing techniques, practitioners can elevate their jiu-jitsu skills and stay ahead of the competition.
In conclusion, Eddie Bravo’s insights into the evolution of jiu-jitsu shed light on the ever-changing nature of the sport. The leglock revolution may have come and gone, but the lessons learned from that era remain valuable. Practitioners must now focus on passing the guard, mounting, and developing a well-rounded game that encompasses both old and new techniques. With leglock defense becoming more prevalent, it is important to have a solid defense while also continuing to innovate and push the boundaries of jiu-jitsu. The future of jiu-jitsu lies in a combination of the past and the present, with practitioners striving to master the fundamentals while also embracing new techniques and strategies.